Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 3: Ghost town adventures

Today Neil and I started with the plan of doing a easy bike in the morning, run session in the afternoon, and then hill repeats in the evening. Well things did not go as planned, because it turned out to be one of those days that curiosity took over. Like maybe lets just ride over that hill, or just 10 more miles. So we started to ride towards Nelson, Nevada an abandoned ghost town. What started out as a short ride ended up being 4 hours!

The view as we climb away from the hotel. Lake Mead in the background. CLIMB, CLIMB, CLIMB...that's all we do all day.

On our way up to Nelson (ghost town) I saw something flashy on the side of the road....A samsung digital camera. As you can see from the picture it was a real treasure, side note: this pic is a reenactment, but you definitely get the idea! It is terrible that someone lost such a treasure, and yet it brings me so much joy to find. Keep in mind finding the owner would be next to impossible so I will keep it :) P.s Neil and I thought how cool it would be to find crime photos on it and solve a mystery. Well at least we can dream of a real life CSI scenario taking place!

Neil looking super-aero and speedy. After taking a double caffeinated gel he put the hammer down on the last of the 11mile climb to Nelson.

Half way point 2:15 hours- We arrive at Nelson...It was definitely worth the detour. We were greeted with candy bars and juice. As we sat down and reminisced about the town, the owner reached in the freezer and pulled out two rattlesnakes...weird? But she did have interesting stories that we listened to while consuming massive amounts of processed sugar.

Checking out the ghost town

Several movies have been filled at the town...maybe you recognized one of these? The host did tell us that Hollywood has offered to buy the site....But her dad wont sell! Matter of fact he put in his will that if the kids don't want the property to run then they have to sell it to the state of Nevada. Haha now that's funny!!!

After 4 hours on the bike we were ready to run....I was getting sick of hills, wind, and biking by then end. Funny how your emotions can be so up and down because as soon as the run started I felt great. We did a bunch of running drills in the grass barefoot in the park.

The evening consisted of icebath, pizza, and early bedtime. Then wake up and do it all again!!

Until tomorrow.....

1 comment:

  1. Love the blog! What is the "treasure" you found? Nice ghost town, wish you could have gotten a picture of the snakes and of the owner! It's kinda weird that someone can own a town, right?!
