The title sounds super cheesy, but since my mom is one of two who reads my blog daily she will think its funny! You see when I was in second grade I wrote a short story about my friend getting stabbed in the face with scissors, and it was famously titled, "The day it happened." I even drew scissors with blood dripping down them for the cover...sick..but hey my teacher said she wanted a catchy cover page! Anyways my friend was OK and now I can get to the point of this blog which ends with me getting a fractured arm...So lets take a journey and see what happened.
Once upon a Sunday, I decided to meet up with Neil for a 2.5 hour ride. Although the sun was shining the wind had an icy bite to it. For much of the ride I was tired, sore, and cold so the entire experience was far from enjoyable. I came home to see Meg was baking (as usual) so I relaxed for the afternoon, and planned on setting out for an hour run that evening. The winds were calm, sun was starting to set, and I felt as though my days work was going to end well. So right before I suit up and head out to run I tell meg a foreshadowing thought, "all I have to do is stay healthy for 4 weeks and its off to Texas for my big race!" She gives me a kiss goodbye and I drove off. I decided to run a new trail out by by the canal near Bowen Crossing. The run started off great and kiah (my dog) was out running in front of me. The plan was to run steady for 30 min and then tempo back to the car. After 45 min of running I was feeling good. Then we started to approach a couple with a golden retriever....(input slow scary music) and kiah bolted towards the dog, and within a blink of an eye I was hitting the dirt.

She looks harmless, but don't let her fool you!
She had scared the other dog and therefore making her run right in front of me tripping me awkwardly landing on my elbow first. Right away I knew something bad had happened. I jogged slowly back to the car and drove home. When I got home Meg was gone running in the park, I ran over and told her we needed to go to the hospital. She then told me hesitantly we needed to wait for her bread to bake so after a 15 minute wait (no big deal the damage was done)...we went to the ER.

ER bracelet...
A splint, x-rays, and some pain medication I was sent home with a note saying undetermined diagnoses, and we needed to see an orthopedist. Luckily I coach masters swimming, and Dr. Jeff Shilt swims in my class. He is a great person, and superb doc so I went to him first thing the next morning. He said that my radius was fractured near the elbow. Good thing it wasn't displaced so no surgery needed.

I look so rugged...
So with about 3 weeks of no swimming, competing in Texas is out of the question. I can however bike indoors and start running as the pain goes down. I plan on laying out a new season plan soon. So just when you think you have it all figured out life throws me the ole curve ball. My mom told me the story of how Abe Lincoln failed and tried so many times at being president and yet no one remembers him for that, they only remember him for what he achieved. Like the old proverb says," smooth seas doesn't make skillful sailors."

P.S I didn't take kiah to the pound!
Until next time.....