Chapter 1: knee injury (even Dr. House could not diagnose:)
I reached out to every avenue of healing known to mankind. Basically I was frustrated, annoyed, disappointed ,and with no hope in sight. I contemplated "retiring" from the sport entirely...although I have yet to accomplish any of my goals or anything selfworthy, but the light was dimming quickly. Acupuncture, massage, ice, heat, salt bath, x-ray, doctors, chiropractor, astym, you name it I tried it... so what was left?
Chapter 2: REST-May, June, July
Eventually I decided to stop training for 3 months. No running, biking, lifting, just swimming! After awhile my life was seemingly monotonous without a plan. I was starting to be bad company for anyone I was around. In May I graduated from Boise State with my bachelors degree. My emotions were everywhere; happiness and yet empty inside. Wow, great I am 26 graduated from college, and in great pursuit of of a triathlon career, yet here I sit on the couch. I still had ambitious dreams of winning triathlons! If I could just have a second chance.... so like they say time heals all wounds.
Chapter 3: August the Rebirth of my career
I was sent to Dr. Eri Crum ( Boise Spine Center) by one of my masters swimmers. He said that he can fix any tendinitis problem so I thought why not? Not only did Eri work with me twice a week, but he did the work pro bono. I was ecstatic because I started run/walk every other day. His determination and willingness to find a cure was nothing short of a miracle. Cheezy... indeed, but truth!! In 6 weeks I was running 40 minutes at a time. Life as I knew it was about to begin. Soon there after I started biking, running and swimming, and I was on cloud nine. For the first time in 2 years I was able to particpate in sport with no hesitation. I set out a very slow progressive plan to return back to good form. As time ticked by I accumulated hours, weeks, and months of solid training. I was back and with an entire new outlook on the sport, myself, and life.
In November we flew to Clearwater, Florida for 70.3 World Championships. I was helping coaching a friend (Amber) for the race. We enjoyed sunsets, beaches, and lots of runs on the sand. Life was good! I really felt as this was fresh start after years of struggles. The trip was incredible and Amber had a very solid race! Below are some pics of the condo, meg and I on the beach, and Amber in T1 racing strong, and the champ Michael Raelert-need I say more!