Sunday, March 28, 2010

YMCA swim meet

The local YMCA started putting on monthly swim meets this year, and I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to get the juices flowing. Since I have been struggling with my runners knee, swimming has become my priority. Saturday afternoon about 20 swimmers showed up to battle in various distances. My plan was to race the 1000y, 100y, 50y, and backstroke in 200 medley. Since I have been training for distance ie. triathlon I knew the 100, and 50 would just be to see if I still "got it!" I swam my senior year in highschool in the 100, and 50 so this would be interesting to see what I could do. The 1000 was first, felt good and I went 11:45 (1:10pace). Since less than two years ago my pace was 1:20 for 750, this was a huge improvement. Then the 100 I went 54.3, and 50 in 25.03! I was happy with all my events and only slightly embarrassed myself with a 33 in the backstroke...All in all it was fun and a good event.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Black Line Fever

Swimming is my focus for the next two weeks. Since I have a little set back in my training with my knee injury. I did however have a successful 15 minute run yesterday, but I am pretty sure this guy lapped me!

Anyways, I am basically just building back up so I am able to complete a good block of training before wildflower. So back to swimming, yesterday I did one of my favorite main sets 300pull, 200 moderate, 100 fast, 4x50 descend 1-4, all that times 3. I like the mix of speeds and gradually getting faster.
Luckily, I had one of the local college swimmers to draft off. She (yes she) is 17min miler so I had my work cut out for me. I am always amazed at how good "swimmmers" are at swimming.

Today then consisted of 3k kickset, talk about a cramp fest! It was good for my legs..and a great way to keep from getting the black line fever!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Today was a recovery day, well since I have been injured with patella tendonitis it was just a day off. The Floyd family loaded up the car and headed east to visit Meg's sister in Twin Falls. The weather was perfect, 60 and no wind. Much of the afternoon was spent at the coffee shop, and after getting our fix we headed out to Shoshone Falls. This place is amazing and photos are made into postcards daily for obvivous reasons. We spent the evening hiking and bouldering around the area till the sun went down. Although the fun didn't evne begin until the drive home. We decided to stop off for gas in Mountain Home just 45 minutes from boise. All the lights came on on the dashboard and then the car died...uh ok...what now? Fill up with gas, get a jump from friendly family, and we are off!! Car dies 2nd time...We park car walk 3/4 mile to local walmart to get a battery. Walk back and put battery in...woohoo car starts!! Only setting us back an hour. Life is full of suprises and all we can do is smile. So here is to more smiles!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Journey begins........

Today is my first blog so I posted several pictures to describe me in a "nutshell"...I plan on blogging mostly for friends and family to see what I do week to week. Life is not too exciting when you are swimming, biking, and running, and so to spare the boredom I will also post my journey in life.

Wildflower 2008 Collegiate Race


Boise, ID Swimming by my house